QuadEmo for Emotion Resilience

Help children recognise and regulate their emotions

Everybody feels emotions and most of us can recognise and manage them but for some children, it can be a hard and complicated task.

That’s where QuadEmo can help!

QuadEmo Four Animals

QuadEmo for Charities

Book a FREE workshop for your charity to help children learn about emotion regulation using our game QuadEmo. All participating children get a FREE subscription to QuadEmo!

The workshop includes:

(10 min session)
Meet the animals and introduce ourselves

(10 min session)
Read and discuss a storybook about emotions

(10 min session)
Talk about what makes children happy, sad, etc…

(10 min session)
Play QuadEmo & other activities about emotions

As seen in

Don’t miss the chance to book your FREE workshop

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